Sophie's Choice (movie)
From hearing about Maryl Streep's amazing performance in this movie, I thought it would be worth watching. The movie starts Sophie Zawitsowski (Maryl Streep) and Nathan Landau (Kevin Kline) as two lovers and Stingo (Peter MacNicol), a person who just moved into their building, and their life as well as Sophie's dark past in a concentration camp as a catholic. While I think Marlon Brando in A Streetcar Named Desire (didn't like the movie that much) was a better performance, Maryl Streep's acting in this was superb. Can you think of anybody who, just for one movie part, learn english with a polish accent, perfect polish, and perfect german? Thats what I thought. The present-day story is somewhat fun and lighthearted, until Nathan, normaly a kind person, starts getting into violent outbursts that just make life fun for nobody. Of course Sophie's past in the concentration camps arn't lighthearted at all, so overall this movie has a pretty dark mood, but some good lighter moments as well (like Sophie calling Stingo's seersucker jacket a cocksucker). Kevin Kline is superb in this as well, playing a character unlike his normal ones. A worthwhile movie, with Streep's acting aside, but I think this movie is necesary for the good acting in it.
Rating: 9.0/10
Her polish is far from being perfect. But yes her performance in that movie was amazing. :)
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