Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (anime)

My first review will be appropriately of what I think is a definate contender for best anime ever. First of all, nobody should miss this anime. It's a great blend of Comedy, Drama, Romance and some Action, giving you superbness in each genere; something almost no anime can claim. The series starts off as a decent comedy with really no selling point, but after the second episode, you start to get a feel for the series. It's about an eccentric girl, Haruhi Suzumiya and her SOS Brigade, a club she made that explores the supernatrual (but really does nothing) and their exploits; this summary didn't sound very appealing to me, but after checking out the anime its self, I realized the plot its self still wasnt that great. The characters, the best I've ever seen, were where the series really shined. From the eccentric out of this world protagonist, to the silent alien Rei-rip off (who I find a much better character than Rei), all our characters have thought put into them and you really end up liking them. A lot. This anime is a must for any self-respecting anime fan. It's versatility to tastes and excellentness in general make this a neccesary watch.

Rating: 10/10


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